

新视频,  充分利用(ERC)雇员留任税抵免(点击此处)


周日, 12/27/20, 特朗普总统签署了一项综合法案,为正常的联邦运作提供资金, 以及重要的冠状病毒应对和救济补充拨款法案. 该法案包含许多刺激条款,其中一些条款会影响2020年的税收义务.  在学习了5,500多页的文本, 我们认为以下要点对我们的许多客户来说是最重要的条款. 因为该法案可能会对2020年的税收义务产生重大影响, please scan the highlights below and reach out to your CPA to discuss how these may affect your unique situation. 1月5日, we will also host a one hour virtual event to recap the bill and its opportunities for 2021 as well. 我们祈祷你圣诞快乐, 在经历了多事的2020年之后,你们的新年是无比幸福的!

国会参众两院在12月19日协商并通过了一项综合开支法案th 从周末到周一.  这包括12项拨款议案,其中1美元.剩余预算年度的典型政府支出为4万亿美元, and another $900 billion of relief in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.  在救济支出中有几个值得注意的项目,我们将在下面进行探讨, 重点包括1660亿美元的直接支票, 1200亿美元的额外失业援助, 收入保障计划的2840亿美元.0 (PPP2), 以及为特定企业提供额外资金, 卫生和教育受到这一流行病的影响. 


Treasury 证券交易委员会retary Mnuchin and the IRS had clearly set forth for the last 9 months that expenses paid with PPP monies would not be deductible for income tax purposes, 为所有PPP借款人创造了重大的税收事件.  一年只剩下一个星期了, 国会的行动已经扭转了这一局面, 随着这项法案成为法律,这些费用显然是可以扣除的.  也, a step up in basis will be provided for pass through entities from the tax-exempt income applicable to the forgiveness of debt, 进一步确保上述费用的扣除.  购买力平价借款人真的收到了一个圣诞惊喜, 因为他们将能够拥有他们的蛋糕和吃掉它,尽管所有的指导和逻辑到目前为止.  这对我们的客户来说是一个显著的好处.  此外,购买力平价涵盖的有资格减免的费用的清单已经扩大.

工资保障计划第二支取贷款:又名PPP2 -所有符合资格的NFPs, 2美元的帽子, 资格与任何季度收入下降25%相挂钩. 2019年同一季度,2.5 x avg. 每月工资,特别增加到3.餐馆和酒店的5倍

符合条件的借款人可以获得第二笔PPP贷款. 这些第二次抽奖的PPP贷款限制在a) 2美元以下.0 million or b) 2-1/2 times the borrower’s average monthly Payroll Costs (3-1/2 times if the borrower is a Food 服务 or Hospitality business).

合格的实体包括任何业务关系, 非营利组织, 个体工商户, 还有一些其他的组织 a) 雇佣300或更少的员工,并且 b) have experienced a 25% revenue reduction in a calendar quarter during 2020 compared to the same quarter in 2019.


The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) and the Emergency Family Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act are both being extended until March 31, 2021.  These sick and leave pays have been heralded as one of the most effective strategies to curb COVID spread, 因为它们让数以百万计的传染病患者留在家中并获得报酬.  也, 企业已经收到了所有这些工资的一美元一美元的信贷, 所以这对员工来说确实是一种增量效益, 如果结构正确, 用人单位.  对于许多美国工人来说, the reality that lost wages will significantly impact their families might lead them to work while sick.  这些工资削减了这个残酷的事实,它们的延长是受欢迎的.  请回顾我们的“发布和推广”策略和 EPSLA和EFMLEA的好处 如果你是受保障的雇主,有资格享受该抵税额.  The new act also provides 个体工商户s an election to utilize 2019 earnings instead of the current year when calculating applicable credits, 另一个有利于企业的条款是什么.

Employee Retention Credit Changes: 1) More than a consolation prize rules for 2020; 2) Prospective: extended 到7月1日, 2021, 增加到70%, 增加到10美元,每个员工每季度的最高工资, 并逐年减少总收益下降测试至20%

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) that was established as a “consolation prize” for non-PPP recipients who experienced significant drops in revenue has been liberalized, 扩大, 和扩展.  This is now an incredibly significant credit that should be studied closely by all potential taxpayers, 即使他们确实收到了PPP货币, as section 206 of the new act strikes the “consolation prize” rules that limited this provision to non-PPP recipients.  关于信用证的原始信息 是在这里找到.  该计划的截止日期已从1月1日提前, 2021, 到7月1日, 2021, 这样就可以再延长六个月.  更重要的是, 2021年前两个季度, 积分已经从适用工资的50%改变为70%.  也, 工资限额从10美元改变了,在2020年,这一年的总费用为000美元(5美元),每名雇员最高可贷款额), to $10,到2021年,每个适用季度的价格为000美元(考虑到另一个潜在的14美元),在2020年可能取得的学分基础上增加1万学分).  要求的四分之一. prior quarter rolling revenue decline testing for 2021 eligibility has been liberalized from a 50% decline in revenue to only a 20% decline. 然而, 这仍然是一个季度分析,开始和结束条款, 现在,这可以依赖于前一个季度,而不是当前季度.  值得注意的, 除了收入下降测试, businesses may also qualify for the ERC if they have suffered a full or partial suspension of operations during a calendar quarter due to governmental order limiting commerce, 旅行, 或因COVID-19召开小组会议.  国税局提供了一些Q&这是一个相当自由的分析,许多企业都遭受了损失, 但没有通过收入测试, 是否具有追溯和预期资格.  更多的注意, it is important to integrate PPP1 dollars for eligible ERC enterprises in 2020 forgiveness applications and for historical wages that until now would not have qualified, and to analyze PPP2 dollars and eligibility for the even greater ERC benefits for the first two quarters in 2021.  Integrating these liberalized Employee Retention Credits alongside forgiveness of selected covered expenses under the PPP programs is imperative, 每个企业都有一个主观而独特的过程.  对影响纳税人, the PPP forgiveness application and selected covered expenses are that much more important to integrate into this conceptual framework in order to avoid the ever-present potential pitfall of missed opportunity.


A PPP borrower may request an increase in its loan amount if the borrower’s 购买力平价的贷款 has not been forgiven, ,要么 1) 借款人归还部分PPP贷款或 2) 没有收到借款人有资格申请的全部款项.  我们在PPP进程的早期就注意到,一些银行没有正确处理贷款, 全部金额, 原因是各机构对《手机赌博软件下载排行》某些方面的解读不同.  Many borrowers simply took the funds as approved given the frothy conditions in the PPP market at the time.  这对那些少数受影响的客户来说是一个可喜的好处,意义重大.

简化购买力平价贷款宽免额为150元,000或更少:不再需要发送支持, 文件保留4年, 简化应用和认证

对于150元以下的贷款,小企业管理局须签发一份简化的一页宽免申请,在最终法律生效的24天内. 得到宽恕, 借款人只需要证明i)保留的雇员人数, Ii)估计花费在工资成本上的金额, (三)贷款总额. 借款人还必须证明申请是准确的, 借款人遵守了有关PPP贷款的要求, 并保留雇佣记录4年,其他记录3年.  这些新的简化规定也将适用于150元的新贷款申请,000或更少了.


借款人的购买力平价贷款减免不会因借款人的EIDL预付款金额而减少. 如果先前的EIDL预支减少了借款人的购买力平价贷款减免, SBA通过EIDL Advance提高宽恕度.  这些信息可以通过现有的贷款减免申请程序获得, 预计SBA将直接汇回剩余余额, 从而减少银行和借款人账簿上的部分贷款.


证券交易委员会. 501(c)(6)和目的地营销机构现在有资格获得PPP1贷款. 雇用人员不得超过300人,游说活动必须有限. 职业体育联盟不包括在内. 证券交易委员会. 501(c)(6)组织包括商会、房地产委员会和贸易委员会.  这是一次重大的扩张, 许多贸易组织和成员组织在这次大流行中遭受了严重的损失.

Grants for Shuttered Venue Operations: 45% of 2019 revenue grant (capped at $10m) for certain theatrical venues

该法案允许向某些关闭的场馆经营者支付补助金.  合资格人士或机构包括现场场馆经营者或推广商, 戏剧制作人, 现场表演艺术组织经营者, 博物馆运营商, 电影院经营者, 和人才的代表.  经营者必须满足一些要求,才有资格获得资助, 包括截至2月29日全面投入使用, 2020, 而且场地打算在拨款日期重新开放.  符合条件的场馆的资助金额为2019年营收的45%,即1000万美元,金额较低.  优先资助受收入下降影响最大的运营商, 首先是收入下降90%的运营商, 然后是收入下降了70%的运营商.

Temporary Allowance of Full Deduction for Business Meals: Meals are 100% deductible for 2021 and 2022

对于2021年和2022年日历年,该法案允许100%的商务餐扣减.  为了符合资格,必须支付餐厅提供的食物或饮料的费用.  合格的商务餐规则仍然适用, but taxpayers will be able to deduct 100% of the amount instead of the 50% limitation that was in effect for 2020.  这不是一个溯及既往的条款, 而大厅周围带回来的娱乐费用并没有坚持下去.  这并不奇怪, 因为2020年可能不会是这个政党卷土重来的一年.  让我们对2021年抱有一些希望吧!

扩展器:一大串1, 2, 从WOTC到高度利用的煤矿应急救援规定的5年延长

该法案规定了现行税收规定的许多延伸条款.  Some of the more significant provisions include the following:  medical expense deduction for itemizing taxpayers will remain at the 7.5% floor of adjusted gross income; deductions for energy-efficient commercial buildings (which will be inflation-adjusted); and a transition from qualified tuition deductions to the Lifetime Learning Credit.  这些扩展器是永久性的扩展.  The following extenders have been extended through 2025: the New Markets tax credit; Work Opportunity 税 Credit (WOTC); employer credit for paid family and medical leave (not to be confused with FFCRA credits); and gross income exclusion for discharge of indebtedness on a principal residence.  节能物业有很多信贷条款, 酿酒厂, 和其他行业.  Please contact your CPA to determine if a specific credit or expiring provision is still available.

我们替你保管书, 这样你就可以回去继续经营你的企业并创造利润了.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
我们提供一对一的指导和全面的财务计划,帮助管理风险, 提高性能, 确保财富的增长和长寿.

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